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Setting up a no-code sales CRM with automated lead callback

Suppose you needed a use case where you can capture lead information through an online form or survey link, store the details in a CRM, and ensure the lead is reached out to via a phone call as soon as possible from when they demonstrate interest.

We’re going to build this using without a single line of code, and using commonly available inexpensive tools.

If you’re not a reader and would like to watch a video tutorial on this, head here

Alright, let’s dive in!

Typeform will be used to gather lead information. The information is then transferred into a CRM which is built on AirTable and then the lead is called using Callingly.

Setting it up

In this tutorial, we’re essentially going to use four things – Typeform, AirTable, Zapier, and Callingly.

Zapier is going to act as a bridge between Typeform and AirTable, and will pass the information about the leads from TypeForm to the CRM, which in our case is AirTable. The whole process will involve four flows and three zaps.

Flows include: – Capturing information about the leads using Type flow – Send this information to the CRM, which in our case is AitTable – Send the information from the CRM to Callingly to call the lead – Updating AirTable with the status of the call


We will create three separate zaps for this:

The first zap will listen to and capture the lead information from Typeform and passes that onto the CRM. The second Zap is whenever a new lead is added to our AirTable CRM, we want that information to be sent to Callingly. And finally, a third Zap, which will record the updated status of the call – taking information from Callingly back to our CRM.

In this article, we will take you through three easy steps that will automate your sales workflow seamlessly.

So, let’s get started.

Step I: Setting Up Typeform & Integrating It With The CRM

In this section, we’ll learn how to create Typeform and use that information to the CRM database (AirTable).

We will be using three things here. Zapier, Typeform, and, of course, AirTable. We won’t be going into details on how to create an AirTable or Typeform. If you want to know how that works you can check the guide here or click here to learn how to create Zaps.

We’ll start by creating a simple lead capture form on Typeform. To do this, once you’re signed in click on ‘New Type Form’

On the screen that follows, you can either choose ‘start from scratch’ or a useful template to save some time. To explain things better, we’re choosing ‘start from scratch’. Once you click the button you’ll be presented with a popup asking for certain details.

Click continue once you’ve filled in the info.

Next up you’ll have to create boxes for the leads to give in their information. It could be anything like name, email address, phone numbers, and whatnot. Click ‘add your first question’ and then enter the details you want your leads to provide.

In our case, we are going for First Name, Last Name, Email, and their Phone Number.

Once you do that hit ‘Publish’ on the top right of the page.

After hitting publish, you’ll have the URL (a shareable link) that can be used on your website, landing page, or wherever you want to collect the information from.

Now that we’re all set up with Typeform, we need to send the information from our form to AirTable. We will use Zapier to bridge this information. To do this, login to Zapier and click on New Zap. Just type ‘type’ in the box and select ‘Typeform’ from the dropdown.

Click continue. It will now ask us to sign in to Typeform so that our Zap can fetch the information from there. Once you do that, it will ask you to select the form you want the information to be extracted from. Click continue and it will take you to the next step where you could test your Zap.

Click on ‘Test Trigger’ to check your integration.

Sending to AirTable

The next phase is to send the information we have collected to AirTable.

It’s easy!

In the ‘Do This’ box type ‘AirTable’ and select it from the dropdown.

Next, in the ‘Choose Action Box’, select ‘Create Record’ and ‘continue’. At this point, it’s going to ask you to sign in into your AirTable. Unlike TypeForm, the AirTable will ask you to enter an API key. To do this, go to your ‘Account Page’ and create a new API key.

In the account settings page on AirTable, you will see a box for an API key. Click ‘regenerate’ or ‘generate API’. Select the API form the box, copy it and paste it into the Zapier popup.

Once you’ve done this, select the CRM you created on AirTable and click continue. Here you will be asked to select the table and loads of other boxes to fill in the information. Just the ones relevant and hit continue.

Great, so we have set up our Zap, and now is the time to move forward to step II.

Step II – Connecting AirTable To Callingly

What we need is the ability for our CRM leads on AirTable to now transfer to Callingly every time someone fills and submits a form through Typeform. In order to do this, let’s create a new Zap.

In the ‘Choose app and event’ box select AirTable. Select ‘New record’ in the ‘choose trigger event’ box and hit continue.

Select the appropriate tables in the next few boxes and click test to check if everything is exactly the way you want it.

In the Do This box, select callingly from the dropdown and choose an action event, which is our case would be ‘call the lead’

Here, you need to sign in to your callingly account. Make sure you do that from the same browser and allow Zapier access to Callingly.

Next, a screen will pop up allowing you to customize the calling options. Here you can select the team you want the new information to be passed on to, the agent name, email, phone number, and whatnot.

After doing this, you can now Test whether you’re receiving updates on new leads.

Click on Test and Continue and you will have a small pop up on every new lead gathered on Callingly and your Callingly leads section will highlight the new lead.

Step III: Updating The CRM With The Status Of The Call

In this section, we’ll talk about how to update the status in the AirTable with the current status of the call. The way we’re going to do this is by creating a new Zap, which is listening to Callingly whenever the status of the lead is updated. And that status is then updated to that particular lead in AirTable.

So, create a new Zap and in the ‘When this happens’ window, type in and select Callingly. In the ‘Trigger Even’ box, select Lead Updated or Tagged. Hit continue. It will ask you to select the Callingly account and then an option to customize the field. In the updated field box, select ‘Status’.

Hit Continue and then ‘Test Trigger’.

Click on continue and in the ‘Do This’ box that appears select AirTable. This is because we want to update the record in our CRM with the latest call results from the Callingly.

Now, in the ‘choose an action event’ box select File Record and click Continue. Customize the field by selecting the right table and then in the ‘search by’ field, select email. In the ‘search value’ box select the email from the AirTable and hit Continue.

We have found the lead, now we need to update it. To do that, click the ‘+’ icon below ‘Find Record In AirTable’ as shown in the screenshot.

Select AirTable app again, but this time we’re going to select ‘Update Record’ in the Choose Action Field. In the customization window, select the same AirTable Account. In the record field, select Custom, and then click on ID.

Now in the fields that are available, we will scroll down to status and select status. Hit Continue and then Test. You will see that the status in the CRM has changed to Called.

That’s it! You have created a fully functional Sales Automation Process using no-code tools like Zapier.

Curious to see another no-code write up and video like this one? Shoot us a message on live-chat letting us know what you’d like us to build!

Posted In Automation